
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

DIGNITY & RESPECT, U.S. Army training guide on homosexual conduct

PD Image: DIGNITY & RESPECT (2001), a U.S. Army training guide on the homosexual conduct policy

The guide titled “DIGNITY & RESPECT” was issued in 2001 to deal with homosexual conduct, evidence gathering, credible witnesses, admission of guilt, harassment and additional army resources. Source: Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Dept. of the Army. Libraries that have a copy in their holdings: Pritzger Military Library and Michigan State University, online copy of the entire guide available at

PD Image: A page from the U.S. Army training guide on the homosexual conduct policy dealing with the definition of homosexuality.

The U.S. Army (Army Regulation 600-20, Army Command Policy, Chapter 4-19) defines homosexual conduct as an act or a statement that demonstrates a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts, the solicitation of another to engage in homosexual act or acts, or a homosexual marriage or attempted marriage.

Licensing: As an original work of the U.S. federal government, these images are in the public domain.

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